I had to laugh today. Ségolène Royal, that nutjob of a Martine Aubry hater, rapacious power hungry failed presidential candidate who does everything she can to stay in the public eye, threw a 'caca nerveux' today because Paris Match published some photos of her.
She was on holiday in Malaga which is a public space the last time I looked, in the company of some poor deluded board games maker. 'Une femme libre' continued the headline which is only partly true because she does still have children to care for, unless they've gone to live with their father of course.
The comments on the article in Le Figaro were pretty sarcastic towards our Ségo. She was very recently in Guadeloupe where all hell is breaking out, and apparently did nothing to calm things down and everything to stir up more trouble. She even alluded to the French revolution, called upon the French Prime Minister, François Fillon to get off his arse and get over to Guadeloupe to take over from that loser Jago (the guy in charge), and called upon the fat cat business leaders to immediately hand over 200Eur per month to the neediest mouths.
Unsurprisingly, the Medef (business leaders' union) told her to 'se casser' (eff off), calling her a politician 'arriviste' who was very badly placed to give them lessons.
Apparently she went there under her own steam, so the rumour circulating now is that in order to pay for her little jaunt over there, she's suing Paris Match for publishing the photos. If she thinks no one's noticed, she's wrong. If she thinks no one's remarked on her hypocrisy of using the media for her own purposes and getting all het up when it acts independently, she's also wrong.
As one of the commentators said, if she's in politics, she exposes herself to public criticism and will just have to accept it. Crying scandal on the other hand, is a way of filling one's pockets...
As for Martine Aubry who did actually get elected to be premier secretary of the Socialist Party, Le Figaro is running a very naughty poll Croyez-vous à la réconciliation Aubry-Royal? Naughty because it's well-known that the two women detest each other, both being power-hungry media whores. Of the 7860 votes, over 91% declare that they don't believe in a reconciliation at all, au contraire, despite ten of her allies getting positions at the PS direction. I'd have thought their promotion would have more of a potentially destabilising effect, ultimately - spies trained first to dupe, then to destroy from within...
Do you ever get the feeling that politicians think the rest of the population is both blind and stupid?
You got it really right - she is a real pain - all she wants is POWER, and LOVES stiring it up to get publicity.
ReplyDeleteWhat she did in "Les DOMTOMS" is a scandalous iresponsable and unforgiveable action.
Thumbs down..definiely OUT, that woman!