Now that they look the part, enthusiasm has followed, to the point that they were even persuaded to participate in a VTT competition tomorrow. The excuse until now was that they didn't feel ready. Now though, they've been at it for a good six months and the excuse was wearing thin. Naturally, whatever I say is ignored, so I got the instructor to convince them that they were capable of participating and having fun.
In the cold light of day they were still keen, especially as I had to buy them each a watch for the orienteering race, and cycling pants. They love it when I have to buy them kit. I must say though, they look fabulous all kitted out. Just for good measure, I bought one of those backpacks with integrated water pocket. Dead nifty it is too.
So tomorrow we're off early - luckily I had a bit of a lie-in today - to a special VTT zone near Pezenas. I'm going to go too to cheer them on, and make sure my youngest doesn't lose his new watch. He was playing footie this afternoon, took it with him, gave to the trainer and then forgot to ask for it back. We had to rush back down to the footie pitch to pick it up in extremis as he couldn't participate tomorrow without it!
I just hope the weather holds!
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