Monday, December 03, 2012

Expats Blog Interview with Yours Truly

I had intended on writing an interview full of wit and amusing anecdotes. In the end it took me so long to get round to doing it that I answered it as it came. Regular readers of this blog probably know it all anyway too.

(I'm really building this up well, aren't I... You can tell I'm a red hot personal PR type... Always blowing my own trumpet...)

There's a photo of my youngest doing his thing on his BMX though.

I wanted to put in the photo of me in me leathers standing by my DB's motorbike, but couldn't find it so put in a photo of me looking a bit pasty on a lake in Lozère last year. The lighting was a bit dim that day. After I'd sent the interview off I went onto my Skydrive folder and found the photo there. Typical.

Whevs (as Caitlin Moran says), the interview is here: Expats Blog Interview.


  1. Well done, Sarah. I've read it AND commented. :-)

  2. PS I see you've got rid of Disqus. I find this much easier.

    1. I'm glad you prefer it. Me too in fact.

  3. Wow, I knew you've been here for awhile but not like, awhile, awhile. 23 years is a LONG time! Now I'm wondering if I'll be here that long. I'm both excited and scared :)

    1. It just sort of catches up with you. You stay, you do your thing and suddenly it's 23yrs later and you're still here. Then you think, good grief, where did all that time go!

      But I suppose that's true of anywhere. :)

  4. I've learned some new things about you. Love that glam photo of you too!

    1. Oh, thanks Trish. If you mean the one where I'm blond, that was taken by a professional during a family photo shoot my mother insisted we do while my dad was still with us.

      If you mean the other one, I know you're taking the piss. :)

  5. I've learned more about you and commented over there too. I envy you being bilingual!

    1. I always wanted to be bilingual funnily enough, but was crap at French at school. That's why I did Arabic at university, not that it made me bilingual. The irony of it is that I came to live in France and had to sink or swim with French, so I got there in the end. :)

    2. PS thanks for leaving a comment. :)

  6. Loving that interview, as I said over there have learned loads more about you!. So impressed that you are totally bilingual and loving their description of you on your boyfriend's "chunky" bike. Oooh er missus!

    1. Yes and lovely piccy of you, Sarah, love you as very blonde

    2. Thanks Jody. :)
      That pic was taken a couple of years ago now. I really liked being blond, but not the maintenance which meant I had to go to the hairdresser's more often to hide the roots. In the end I gave up and went back to a colour close to my own.

    3. Oh, and thank you for your lovely comments on the interview. :)

  7. Great interview! It is nice to find out more about you!

    1. Thank you for commenting on the interview, Muriel.

      In reply to your comment about French women, I have several acquaintances, but not many true friends. It's probably a cultural thing but I connect more easily with certain Brits, which is not to say I like any Brit that happens to cross my path.

      Also, at my age, I don't make as much effort to engage with people I don't have an immediate rapport with, and I detect (perhaps mistakenly) more barriers with the French women I meet. Could just be the women down here though. :)

      I really like the friends I do have though. They are ace, as my brothers used to say. :)

    2. Good for you. I don't think that friendships have anything to do with nationalities. That said, just like you, I don't have any French friends...

    3. That's weird because you are culturally akin to your countrywomen! Still, if you haven't met anyone you like enough to be considered a true friend then that would explain it.

      Ksam, from a blog I read 'Totally Frenched Out' wrote a post this week about French women and suggested that while Anglo-Saxons try to find things in common with women they meet, French women don't, which is why we find it so difficult to connect with them.

  8. I think you are very critical towards yourself. I have really enjoying reading your interview.

    1. I am, Olga, I'm my worst critic. It comes from not wanting to be seen as being jumped-up strumpet... or something. :)

      I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. :)

  9. Believe it or not, I too just completed an expat interview!! It took me two weeks to finish. I'll have a read of yours....


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