He wouldn't let her drive until he really had no choice, and said that if he could lock her away and keep her all to himself he would. Basically she was a service centre, she and many women like her at that time. What's changed now? Well, now many women are still service centres but they have to go out to work too. I suspect many men secretly think like Norm.
In the Muslim world, many men think like Norm but, unlike Norm, are able to do what he couldn't - lock away and keep their wife all to themselves. If not totally literally, then semi-literally by imposing the burqa on her.
If there are those who insist on imposing it, then they should go where wearing it is accepted, like the Middle East. I don't want to go to places where I'm made to dress in a certain way, and my liberty is shackled, but I wouldn't dream of going there and trying to impose my rules and my culture. Likewise, it's deeply offensive to see imprisoned women walking around here imposing on us the way they dress elsewhere.
I know that offence only works one way, and you have to be a minority for it to be considered. But let me say right here, on my blog, that I am offended by the site of women in all forms of veil. Religion is all about power and control, especially the control of women, and anyone with half a critical neuron in their brain should reject the submission of women by male control freak losers.
Have faith in a higher being, but reject religion. Religion isn't freedom, it's control and manipulation and it's worst manifestations are always conducted against women - female circumcision, the burqa, for example.
Let's hope those UMP députés listen to the voices of their citizens and ban the burqa plus the rest. Perhaps if they show enough balls it'll encourage other countries to do the same.
I don't like the burqa either but I guess I'd defend womens' rights to choose to wear them. On a visit to Oman I was asked to cover myself from head to toe to visit the central mosque. I did as requested but was annoyed to discover that my husband didn't need to cover himself to stop women being arroused/offended by his hair, but apprently mine is unacceptable!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the fifties housewife I suspect I may be one, though we had a woman to man discussion on which of us would work and which would bring up the planned children - and I won.
Hausfrau, great to hear you're doing what you want to.
ReplyDeleteMy point though was that in the 1950s women had no choice. Society imposed dependency on them and they had no rights. Becoming independent was a terrific achievement and we should fight any threat to that freedom. The burqa is a symbol of that threat.